Saturday, February 23, 2008

i dont want to fit in

I wish I knew what it was like to grow up in a different era. The 60's would have been nice. I think I would have totally fit in. Groovy.

I only say that because in this day and age where self worth is based upon whoring oneself around the internet via myspace and facebook it's really hard to feel like I belong. That shit just isn't a part of who I am or what I'm about. I don't pride myself on the deepness of my fake tan. Although, as a side note, I do enjoy the fake baking once each year. I can back my cancer 'treatment' up solely based upon the fact that in natural UV rays it takes my skintone, by birth, forever to show signs of a colorchange. I don't live for the weekend that I won't remember much of. I don't feel the need to inadvertantly make every single female out there less worthy than myself jealous of my hot boyfriend and equally hot friends. I just don't do that. But the fact of the matter is that the percentage of girls who desire that way of living make the rest of us feel like we can't compete. This is a growing epidemic.

Whatever happened to parks? Picnics? Flying kites? Who made it a rule that all those activities we ohsoloved when we were little have to stop when we reach a certain age and alcohol, drugs, sex, and vanity become what matters.

It shouldn't matter.
Simplicity matters.