Monday, May 26, 2008


My dad got in a scootering accident this evening. My oldest brother was on the back and hopped off just in time but my dad took the fall and the scooter crashed down on him. He suffers some pretty heinous road rash and a broken clavicle. It really shook me up especially when I found out he wasn't wearing a helmut. I keep crying. I can't live without my dad right now. I really need him to be the rock in my life because I am hurting right now and healing. Slowly, but eventually I'll get there. I'm so thankful to God that he's in the condition he is and not worse! Luckily, all of my siblings are in town this weekend and easily found. We all touched my dad and prayed with him for his body and I totally felt the Holy Spirit's energy channeling through my body to my dad's. It was an awesome experience. Humbling.

This puts life in a new perspective.
I see the light at the end of the tunnel.